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Trail Riding and Horse...
Educating Princess Jewel...
I came out to the stable today to a horrific sight. A horse with major leg injuries and one of my riding buddies in an ambulance. From what I heard, she was using a set of "hock hobbles" on her AQHA western pleasure mare. Apparently, this did ...
Hi! could i have some advice on how to become a trainer. i've worked with 6 horses so far(friends horses) and i've shadowed/worked with a trainer what other things can i do to better myself ...
Today, I figured I would write about something I think is something all horse people and non-horse people know about, at that is horse abuse. Why I thought of writing about this today is, I was on youtube nothing weird about about that and I was just ...
My horse is going to be broke to ride soon, and even though he's had a bit in his mouth and weight on his back, I've never gotten to put a saddle on him. I was wondering if a bareback pad would be a good light-weight alternative to putting on ...