Posted : 4/16/2010 3:48:21 AM
Finally got over to work/play with Jewel this afternoon after work. Had her new rope halter but was disappointed that it didn't seem to have the desired effect on her I'd hoped. She still doesn't respond as well as my other horses. Her escape tactic is to either whack you with her head or try to walk over you and my jerking on her didn't seem to do much so I guess I'll up the anty a little next time. We did some grooming and worked on standing still. Then I took her in the round pen and did some lunging. She understands to move out now but there was some hay on the ground and she wanted to eat it and she wanted to visit my friend on the rail so wasn't happy when I made her keep going. She did her trying to come in close, springing in the air, cow kicking, rearing, whirling the other way and once that didn't get her anything but uncomfortable, she just took off and ran and ran until her lungs started to talk to her brain and suddenly she was listening
Got her to trot several consecutive circles, slow down to a walk and got my first real "whoa." As I was leading her around to cool her out, she actually wasn't trying to lead me
She tolerates clippers everywhere but her head/neck so we worked on that a little but need to bring a chain next time since she does the walk-into-you thing. Finally got her to stand still while we rubbed her neck with it and once she did that, we quit for the night. She did a lot of chewing tonight and after the lunging, she kept sniffing me and really looking at me. Gotta get fencing up at my place so I can bring her over and work her more often, get her in with other horses so they can help her get some exercise and grow up a little