Posted : 10/8/2010 3:19:40 AM
I finally got back in the saddle last night. I was nervous, but I went back into the tack room, shook it off, and pretended that nothing bad had ever happened. Got my frame of mind right and made myself think of all the other nice, calm no bucky rides we'd been on before. Rode for about half an hour at a walk around the pasture. He was getting a little bored and restless there near the end, but it's been about 3 months since his last ride, can't really blame him! Plus I didn't let him go faster than a walk... my stirrups are a little long and I can't make them shorter, so I'm always uncomfortable at a jog. Maybe we'll jog next time LOL
My confidence has been gone since high school, so it'll still be a long time before I get it back. He's not a push-button horse like the lesson horses I worked with as a teenager!