Nothing too adventuresome, but my fiancee and I have been getting out and riding on a fairly regular basis the past month. We trid to find some trails in the Agency Creek area in the Coast range, made it as far as a camping area but the only 2 trails we found were not fit for horses - one of them the footing was so bad the horses were sinking up to their hocks in loose soil and the other had bridges made of planks over a single log stringer. As usual, there were no maps of the trails even though they have been around for awhile, we'd heard by word of mouth that people ride horses year round there. So we rode up the logging roads in the snow...
that's my fiancees daughter on her horse, Blue. She got a new SMX saddle pad for Christmas. My fiancee is riding in his "new" roping saddle

We've been riding at a friend's farm in Carlton, Oregon quite a bit, we have acess to an adacent property making about 400 acres of woods and hayfields on hilly terrain, a nice place to exercise the ponies
yesterday we took my green horse, Crystal out with us, put a saddle and snaffle bit on her - she's not been broke to rode, just groundwork - and ponied her around.
Hope to get down to Corvallis sometime in the next month and explore the OSU trails again, might be easier to navigate this time of year with the underbrush bare. We were there in the summer and got into some brush choked waytrails, we were with some older and more cautious riders so we had to can the adventurous part and stick to the logging roads. Nobody had a decent map of the area, either. Now I have a cool little GPS unit that shows topo maps, it would be handy for navigating the trail system there.