Posted : 5/7/2009 3:20:22 AM
Well, it seems to be working with you so far!
But you have a long way to go mister to catch up!
I have to admit this is easier the second time around. In all honesty if the information I was reading wasn't so good I wouldn't have stuck it out. People where NOT friendly to newbie's. I try hard to remember what it was like to be one.
Also interestingly enough...and random... That is how it is in the midwifery community. Especially for students. You have to EARN your way in to be notested or trusted. It takes time and patients. And in the mean time you have to remember your place and be VERY respectful. Even if you don't agree with them.
So who's horse is that in that error? Can anyone else do that? Click on the error's and get a random picture? And why are they showing up in my posts?