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Oh lookie there

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Oh lookie there
  • I have 3 stars already and am a junior member. That is what playing hooky from homework gets you. So who's for calling in tomorrow and playing on the forum all day?? 

    Naw... Then I won't be the leader. Na Na Na Na Na.. you can't catch me!
  • LOL,   A race for the stars,    sounds interesting.   LOL
  • I knew I should have kept my mouth shut a little longer and keep racking up those stars. I went from being a... I 'don't remember... Was it a gold medalist? To being a new member. That is kind of hard on the ego. There I said it.. I admitted it!

    Not to mention that it is a lot more fun around here again. More than for a LONG time!
  • Yea,  now you will have everybody just wearing their fingers to the
    bone to get those stars.   LOL
  • Dang shiver.  Hooky from homework?  Bad girl!!  [>:]  (there is no finger wagging smilie - darn it!)
  • Well, it seems to be working with you so far!

    But you have a long way to go mister to catch up!

    I have to admit this is easier the second time around. In all honesty if the information I was reading wasn't so good I wouldn't have stuck it out. People where NOT friendly to newbie's. I try hard to remember what it was like to be one. 

    Also interestingly enough...and random... That is how it is in the midwifery community. Especially for students. You have to EARN your way in to be notested or trusted. It takes time and patients. And in the mean time you have to remember your place and be VERY respectful. Even if you don't agree with them.

    So who's horse is that in that error? Can anyone else do that? Click on the error's and get a random picture? And why are they showing up in my posts?
  • What was your attachement?  All I see is a yellow ERROR.
  • [quote=jungle_cat]

    Dang shiver.  Hooky from homework?  Bad girl!!  [>:]  (there is no finger wagging smilie - darn it!)

    Man Cat, You are catching up. Is it time for your bed time yet??? 

    You are getting sleepy... very sleepy...

  • [quote=jungle_cat]

    What was your attachement?  All I see is a yellow ERROR.

    I didn't have an attachment. That error thing just showed up. If I click on the yellow part a random picture pops up. Does that happen to you?
  • Can you see the gold medel I gave myself??? It says," this post was marked as helpful" I clicked on it but it marked my own post. Interesting...More ways I can poof up my chest. Mark all my threads as interesting.. evenually everyone will agree.
  • Yeah  - I see V Vodka Bey?  Strange.  I posted in your "floating photo" thread and had one attach to mine there as well.  Like I said - Attachement ghosts.
  • Yeah good name.

    So should I know that horse? Is it someone's here? Or is it famous?
  • BTW - no, its not my bed time - not by a couple hours!  [':D']
    And yes - I saw your medal.  Aren't you special.  LOL.
  • I don't know - never heard of it before.  Never saw the pic before either.  Any arabian people here?
  • I sure am, my mommy always told me so! [':D'][8D]

    There are tons of arab people. Where is Rami... or second had if not has arabs. I use to have an arab... but I have never seen or heard of that arab.