Painted Horse
Posted : 5/4/2010 9:41:43 AM
One of my daughters fell off a horse at 7 years old and got a concussion. I realized that horses don't have to be mean or buck for kids to fall off. Kids just don't always have the strength or balance to hold onto a spook. So we set rules up that the girls could not ride with out a helmet. And I frequently wore one when I ride with them.
With time, the girls grew up and started to use my larger helment more than their smaller helmets and I just never bought more of the larger sized hemets. So it become more and more that my kids were in helmets but I wasn't. The habit has stuck with the girls, even though they are no longer small kids. And I'm glad it has. I never have to suggest they get their helmets or put them on. Same goes for Skiing. I put on a knit hat and they put on helmets.
My girls in their helmets
My friends in their cowboy hats