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Barrel Riding Fun
Yeah, snow again. And didn't stick... yet. However we have two more days of this to go, according to the weather service. Feeling a lot better. Actually the fact I'm on here shows that because I have to go in the house to access the internet ...
of February. Yesterday was the first day in 2 weeks that Pilot didn't cough non stop. He coughed a lot but with some reasonable breaks. And he was able to finally sleep last night until 4 am. Which means I got some meaningful rest. ...
Is that our excellent is holding at least through the week. I can get sheets and blankets hosed of. for the next round of cold that I hope does not arrive. I know it is wishful thinking but it wouldn't hurt my feelings in the least for our winter ...
well, I'm sitting in the house watching great big clumps of snow come down intermittently with rain. Oh... joy! Just what I need... Sick with Bronchitis and a cold. Can't get to the store for necessary supplies for this. Such fun. ...