I have a whole stack of cold soup recipes I want to try this summer. One of them was the carrot soup which can be served either hot or cold. I made it last night and it turned out really well, I thought. I have leftovers for lunch so I'll try it cold this time.
The carrots are pureed so it resembles the consistancy of tomato soup, ya know? Very healthy, light, vegetarian (if that's your thing - I do eat meat but have nothing against no-meat in a meal) It has a "relish" made of cucumber, chopped pistachios and spices. I'm so glad we have some herbs growing on the porch. Makes it nice to go out and pick as you cook! [:)]
The cilantro seems so thin and weedy. I'm not sure what we're doing wrong with that. I've just started picking it unmercifully, hoping it will thicken up...
The basil gets used so much I think we need 2 plants. Poor thing.
Mint grows like a weed so I planted it in the neighbor's bed. [:D] She's moved and is selling anyway.
We have oregano, which hung on from last year. It didn't do much last year but looks pretty good this year!
I planted thyme in the tipsy pot and a bit of it in the other communal pot.  It seems to grow really well!!