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  • What is everyone cooking for turkey day? 
    Of course turkey,[8D]
    But how and what else are you serving?
  • I wasn't sure but I got a turkey on sale just because of the price.  Looks like now I'll be doing Thanksgiving just to get the kids together....  although I really might need to take a trip to TX.  
    What did you say you were cooking, DaneHaven?
  • Pilot insists on cooking. [':)']
    He also insists on doing both turkey and ham. 
    He makes cornbread stuffing and the desserts too. Except he can't decide which pies to make. Pumpkin for sure but he wants to do apple, pecan, Osgood and black bottom. Everyone may get their own whole pie. [&:]
    He said I can do the mashed potatoes and gravy and I am going to do sweet potatoes because they are my favorite..
    We''ll also have green beans, rolls, and cranberry sauce.

    You better come and help eat all of it. I call dibs on the Osgood pie.
  • No fair!  I have to at LEAST have one piece!!
  • What is Osgood pie?
    This'll be my first gluten-free Thanksgiving so figuring out how to make cornbread stuffing to go with the usual roast turkey.  Gary's making it in his infared cooker.  We'll have some sort of homemade rolls, mashed potatoes, green salad, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, maybe a green bean casserole.  We'll do pumpkin pie with a pecan crust (Kelly's favorite), hubby likes apple and something sugar-free for the in-laws.  Kelly also makes a REALLY good chocolate pecan pie ':)'  Ooooh, I forgot, I make a good pumpkin cheesecake with pecan praline sauce drizzled over the top too!
  • At this point I don't have any plans for Thanksgiving. Maybe someone will invite me for dinner. If not, I'll have peanut butter sandwiches at home. Oh wait! I ate all the peanut butter yesterday.
    Might have to go to DaneHaven's house.
  • Osgood is an old fashion southern traditional pie that every family has their own recipe. It is like Chess pie.
    Friends called yesterday and are bringing pecan pie.  So it is Pumpkin, Osgood, Pecan, and either Black Bottom or Pink Adobe Apple pie .

    Dana that pumpkin cheesecake sounds divine.

    AppyLady come on, I'll share the Osgood with you.