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Any easy campfire recipes?

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Any easy campfire recipes?
  • Just wondering.  I know the boyscouts do a couple easy ones that involve tinfoil and canned mixed vegetables.
  • This spring when we went camping we did "Omelets in a bag" for breakfast.  You use ziploc bags.  Scramble your eggs, have all kinds of additions like veggies, sausage/bacon, cheese, spray the inside of the baggies with cooking spray, pour in the eggs and put the closed bag into a pot of boiling water until done.  Yummy and no mess!  Just toss the bag.
  • Another one we did similar to what you mentioned Hunter:
    squares of foil, a pat of butter, Lawry's seasoning salt or Mrs. Dash's, any vegetables you like (we did peppers, carrots, broccoli, green beans and red onions), spray the foil with cooking spray, pile on the veggies, put the pat of butter and your choice of seasoning on top and put it on the grill or I suppose if you had one of those grill things on a handle?
  • [quote=danastark]

    This spring when we went camping we did "Omelets in a bag" for breakfast.  You use ziploc bags.  Scramble your eggs, have all kinds of additions like veggies, sausage/bacon, cheese, spray the inside of the baggies with cooking spray, pour in the eggs and put the closed bag into a pot of boiling water until done.  Yummy and no mess!  Just toss the bag.

    Fascinating!  I guess you'd have to use a good stout baggie, not the generic puny ones.  Seems like it would melt!   Maybe I'll try this on the stove tomorrow!
  • Just regular ziploc bags, generic or not, the sandwich sized ones ':)'  It's cool too because when you open up the bag, the omelet just slides right out, you toss the bag and the only dishes you have are the ones you used to cut up the veggies, meat and such ':)'  No crusty skillet!!