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Why did my fly spray stop working?

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Why did my fly spray stop working?
  • I tried the black bottle, didn't work.  I've now stepped up a few more dollars to Endure and it seems to be working pretty well.  Expensive.  We're going to try hanging a fan in the stall to help her get som relief from the heat and circulate the air a little, which I'm hoping will help with the flies.  Maybe I like being a horse owner better in winter.... ':)'
  • Ditto on the Bronco (and other stuff) not working. A friend told me about a Natural & Non-Toxic product at www.hometowntack.com that we have been using for a couple months now, and it not only KILLS the critters on contact, but seems but keeps them away from our horse and out of her stall. We not only use the spray, but also the granulars in her bedding, and NO BUGS !!!!
  • I use UltraShield by Absorbine and its works GREAT!  On the expensive side, but because its effective, you don't need to apply it twice a day! I also feed garlic and have found it to help with flies around the body of hte horse but not necessarily around the head. I use garlic from SpringtimeInc.com
  • I do the Avon SSS, ACV, and eucolyptus oil mixture.  It's fine.  My trimmer says my horses smell like salad.  Could be worse! [':D']
    I also use Simplifly.  That's a Godsend but again, neighboring horses need to use it as well or you get their flies.
  • [quote=grandmadeb]

    I, too, am not impressed by Bronco.    We use Tri-Tech.  It is about $25 for a quart, so I buy it by the gallon which runs about $66 at the local tack store. Never buy anything in small quantities when you have a horse, bulk is where it's at!  It will last the whole summer and it works great.  It is also one of the only ones that doesn't raise huge welts on Al's body when used. 

    I've used Tri-tech for 20 years. It works better than anything. Bronco is useless. Tri-tech, you spray it on for three days and  you're good for 2 weeks.
    Don't spray it under contact areas right before riding. I will spray legs, tail,  butt, and the top of the neck before riding to keep flies and wasps away, but not the saddle/cinch areas. I've also sprayed to top of my saddle with it, btw, or spray a mist over the whole shebang after tacking up. I don't like getting attacked by stinging insects while I'm riding.
  • Also, I'm pretty religious about spraying them where bot flies lay eggs. I was really good about it this year, and we had pretty much zero bot eggs.
  • Pyranha, in the yellow bottle is what I used.  Flys weren't too terrible this year as we didn't get much of a summer.  Barn owner thought I was nuts for spending so much on fly spray (she uses Bronco).  But, I never had much luck with Bronco and the Pyranha stays on their coat longer.