Posted : 7/26/2009 9:29:53 PM
We taught ours to park out with peppermints, here is how we did it.
First get the BACK feet set up even, flex the head to right for left hind and to the left to set right hind.
Then we would lift up on the halter/lead rope, keeping head high and say OUT while tapping with the toe of your boot at there heel or lift it and set it forward, then set foot on opposite side out then go back and forth till they are both out were you want them and praise each time they hold it.
Coal, husbands TWH caught on very quick because he is so food motovatied, but Mira my TWH mare took alot longer, and we have only messed around a time or two with Cruz my newest TWH.
We would practice every night before putting them in there stalls now all you have to do is lift up on the lead and say out, or for Coal just rattle the peppermint paper and he starts parking out. LOL