I was working with my horse, i was just louning him with a loung line, then i decited to take his halter AND lead rope off. He stood, then i walked out from away from him and he stood there, then i went to his hind quarters and asked him to walk on. He started walking, but he was actually lounging without the lead rope or halter. Then i asked him to trot and once i asked him he went right into, and was still going in the circular motion. We weren't in a round pen or anything, it was more like an outdoor arena, but bigger. Also my other two horses were with us since we were just in the field. So yeah i couldn't believe it, i was really happy that he was listening to me even when i had like no control of him!
Also while we were lounging when i asked him to halt he stopped and looked at me (this was when we were free lounging) but when he was looking at me he did a bow. Not one that he like knelled down or anything but he just put his head down, and then up. But he was still looking at me. Isn't that a bow of respect or something? I heard the trainer on one of the horse.com horse training videos.
I just thought that i would just tell my great story lol, does this mean that my horse is listening to me? or does it mean something else..by him not running away with all of the other horses while lounging? Not sure. but the other horses were like not eating or anything, they were walking around.
Sorry for writing soo much.