I recently started leasing a 11 y/o Quarter horse. I am the only rider he's really had in the last year or so. From what I've been able to gather, he was never "professionally broke" but had been a trail horse for younger kids until he was 7, which is when he came to his current owner. I've been riding english with a full-cheek snaffle, mostly ring work (w/t transitions, circles) and some trail.
So here's where I need help. This horse feels incredibly unbalanced - his "straight" lines are wobbly, likes to bend more in the neck and doesn't really bend the whole way through his body (circles become octagons), and is a major foot-dragger. In the past month we've made a lot of progress, and I can get pretty clean w/t transitions but he still feels noodley if he doesn't have a fence/wall to keep him straight. I recognize a lot of this may be me as the rider (did I mention I'm borrowing someone elses saddle? :/ ) but not everything is. Are there good flatwork exercises that anyone can recommend to help him get his feet up a little more and have him feel balanced with a rider?