Posted : 5/7/2009 1:38:47 AM
I have lots of question. We need more info before we can help.
Is she tied to something? How long has she been tying? How is she tied?
When she pulls back does she keep pulling until she is free (halter or lead line brakes?) Or does she stop when she feels resistance?
Are you doing the same thing to her every time she pulls back?
How old is she?
How much training has she had? Who is training her? And how much training has the person who is training her had? Does this person deal with problems with horses and horse training often?
Is she saddled or being saddled? If not has she been saddled before?
How is her eating habits?
In truth it could be so many things. We need more info. Also if your trainer isn't able to help you to solve this problem I would suggest finding someone else. Pulling back can be very very dangerous. You need to get this under control as soon as possible. Or you, her or someone else is likely to get hurt.
It is not likely something in your environment. It is more likely to be a training or health thing. If your trainer can't figure it out. I would suggest that you have your horse seen by a vet. It could be an ulcers. And the only way to confirm this is to have your horse scoped.
Good luck and be safe. When we have more info we can try giving more to you.