I have pastured my retired mare in a 6 acre pasture for about 2 years. The owners of that pasture used to have goats who were her buddies. When they sold the goats, she obviously got very lonely...so I moved my 8 year old gelding to that pasture to be with her. I used to board him at a large stable with about 30 other pasture buddies, and he was never on the top of the pecking order so he is thrilled to share this 6 acres with just 1 other horse and my mare is thrilled to have a buddy!
I just moved him a few days ago and haven't had a chance to take him out on the trails yet, but my concern is that my mare will throw a royal temper tantrum when she sees her new buddy leaving the pasture. My gelding has never been herd-sour, so I am not too concerned with him misbehaving, more that my mare will actually hurt herself trying to join back up with us!
They do have stalls and I considered just putting her in the stall with some grain and hay while we go out but she gets pretty antsy in there anyway so that idea probably won't work. I also plan on ponying her sometimes (she has arthritis so she can not be ridden), but I want to just go out alone sometimes too!
Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions what I can do to ease her mind?