Posted : 10/17/2010 3:13:00 PM
A lot of miles seems to be the answer with most of our horses, plus establishing trust so that even if something is scary, they trust you to not take them somewhere dangerous. Our paint used to be solely an arena horse and at first the trails were a big, scary place with horse-eating boulders, killer squirrels, ghostly flying grocery sacks, evil construction tarps and such. He's so relaxed now. I think age might have something to do with it too. My Cody was fearless when he was younger and I led him everywhere. Now he's 6 and a little less sure of things when I'm up on him. He will go past scary things but does a little dart to escape once he's past! Our POA who is 17 is pretty much bombproof unless you happen to be a mariachi band or the other day some kids came flying down our road on their bikes around some bushes up behind him.
When Cody does spook, we start practicing flexing, doing serpentines, turns on the haunches, forehand so he has to think about me instead of whatever it is he's not sure of. Goodluck AND wear your helmet!!!!!