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Alpha horse

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Alpha horse
  • My 6 yr old TB gelding which was given to me due to a owner not making money off him anymore... He had a bone chip removed and got arthritis afterwards so he was no longer of use to them anymore. Well we started him on this product called Gluequestrian http://www.gluquestrian.com/) to relieve his arthritis pain after trying numerous products with no luck. Since being on the product for a week He is starting to get more spunky and has kicked my mother twice, once in the knee (i think this was because she was standing in close quarters with other horses around messing with them and it was a dominating kick toward another horse - which she just happened to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time). The other happened tonight when she was picking his rear hooves and he cow kicked at her. I know this is him trying to intimidate her and get her to leave him alone, i checked hi feet and there was nothing i could see that was wrong with his hoof or leg. I had her give him a whop on the butt and then i had her take him out and longe line him for a few minutes. Any ideas or any other techniques that anyone has to share? He is the alpha in the pack - he is turned out with my 2 other geldings (4 and 6 yrs old). Also, does anyone else use this Gluequestrian?
  • When they kick or bite, you have 3 seconds to kill the horse using only your hands (and voice) and the head is off limits.   After 3 seconds is up, act as if nothing happened.  The horse thinks "I don't know what just happened but I think I almost died!"

    I have one who likes to intimidate but he's never landed one.  DO NOT let your mom get hurt!  She needs to get tough with that boy!
  • Yep, I taught her to always be on guard ':)' She is learning the whole horse business so she can be around when I am away for business. I told her if the horse associates the kicking with being worked, he'll come around.... ':)'
  • He needs to associate it with your mom going pure looney tunes ballistic like the mad woman he never wants to see again!  (right before she runs his little tailfeathers off)
    One thing I do is watch that leg and try to always have something in my hand.  If that leg comes up I throw whatever I'm carrying at that butt!  You gotta be a good shot - and DON'T throw puppies!  (I sometimes carry mine)