Posted : 5/19/2009 1:28:05 PM
I have found that while draft crosses are quiet and arabs are fiesty, horses are basically horses, when it comes to basic instinct, reaction and whathaveyou. So I don't pay alot of attention to 'arabs are psycho' or 'appys are dull,' cuz that comes from people who would rather place judgement than figger it out.
If your mare is turnin her butt to you, then you do NOT have alpha. Honestly, I had a horse that nothin seemed to fix certain issues with him, until I started spending alot of UNFOCUSED time with him. I would hang out in the pasture with him, sit in the grass and just 'hang'. At first he ignored me, but I soon started noticin that he started to graze near me, and if I moved somewhere else, he would mosey over that way. I also started takin him for walks, lettin him graze for periods of 30 and 45 minutes, and pretty much nothin else for the day. But I tell them where to graze, if they try to graze and I haven't 'told' them (to point to the ground with my lead rope is how I do it) I just move them, they can't graze if they are movin. If they lower their head anyway, they get 'motivated' (click and swing the rope behind me to come near their flanks while I am still pointed forward.) But to spend time where you ain't tellin them what to do made some SERIOUS improvements on his attitude.
Now, you could go with the 'give them a treat when you first greet them in the pasture' thing, but like you I rather the behavior NOT be food-motivated.....
Maybe this mite help you, too, if you have the time to spend with the mare like that. It was really the only thing that helped me with that gelding. He would do what you asked, but he was always distant, and quick to 'turn his back'. He has made an about face, he comes up to me in the pasture and hasn't shown me his backside in some time.
But sometimes you just hafta accept that some horses' personality isn't one of affectionate or cuddly types, and they can't be faulted for that. I have had some horses that were distant no matter hwat I did, so alot of it depends on the 'horsenality'...
Best of luck!