My trainer used to stand next to  the horse,and use the ends of the reins to lightly smack the tummy area where your legs would be - until the horse moved away from the cue.
I don't think she is ready for all of the haunches this and what not.  Can she do serpentines and accept leg pressure?  When my mare was in training I found out I had better luck if I wore light cotton pants instead of the insulated winter hunting pants - I was lighter with my cues.   Do you work with cones?  Do you ask her to do something that makes sense - like bend around a barrel or sidepass over a log?  As far as that goes what are you using to teach the sidepass? 
My mare does not like having things under her belly - she has been "bit" by too many sticks and branches in the pasture - and is leery about sidepassing over things for that reason.  I am not sure how to overcome that.  Will your horse willingly walk over tarps and poles?  Will she trot over poles?  She needs to be used to things on the ground before she will sidepass over them without having a fit.  Have you used ground poles when lunging?