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What Bitless Bridle do You Recommend?

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What Bitless Bridle do You Recommend?
  • What Bitless Bridle do You Recommend and why? I have been looking at Dr. Cooks but read over time looses elasticity and horse won't get release easily. Also looked at Nutural. Seems nice...and pricey. Wondering if there are any others out there. :) Thanks
  • I used a bitless on the big quarter horse we used to have.  It worked great.  I am going to try to send you and attachment that shows pretty much what mine looks like...it is from an ebay ad.  You can do an ebay search and just check bitless bridle or Indian bosal.  Just use the extra feature on the left of the ebay page to look for ones priced under $20.00.  There are several types and I am sure you could probably make your own.  A friend bought one that was rather bulky and it didn't work on her horse at all.  Mine is more like the one I am sending the picture of and you need to remember to be gentle with your hands, which I am sure you are.  Good luck. 
  • I use a side pull, we have some here at Horse.com.

    I also use an Indian Reiner. I will post a link after I get home.

    Nice to see you Cin. [':)']
  • I have a Dr.Cook's. The biothane or whatever that manmade leather is called is nice but I understand what you mean about not releasing. Another thing, Cin. You seriously could fashion one of those on your own. You're so smart. I've thought about it and, with a couple pieces of hardware, it would be easy to put one together! You could use the reins off of another bridle.... 
  • Thanks. I have one similar to the one Dave linked. I haven't ridden in it yet but I'm sure she will be fine but I think at fast pace work it would be harder. Don't know till we try right. ':D' The blue one in my avatar is made out of stiff rope. I was told it was too low so I adjusted and moved it up but problem is it turn into her eye easily. As long as I am soft she had no problem but there were moments where we disagreed and having a softer rope would have been nicer. We just joined our first barrel racing and pole bending competition and won 1st place in both. It was pretty fun especially since I didn't have to kick or whip Sahara at all as I saw many other do. All though bareback bitless rides help us out. We never did pole bending before, both of us, so beginners luck but barrel racing we practiced. I wanted to ride her bitless for the competition but the blue one I have I'm sure would not cut it. She is responsive in everything but our problem is stopping. Not that she doesn't listen just that it is hard to ask a horse to run as fast as she can and expect her to just stop without it being painful, I did sprints before and trying to just stop is not easy... she needs room and time to slow down comfortably. At the competition the room was just barely enough for her to stop and we had to watch out for wires and other horses. I had to give her some fast signals because of those things that could potentially harm us although others didn't seem to worried....maybe I'm just overly cautious...and i think it we had a bitless bridle it would have been much easier on her part. I don't know if my skill level is enough to compete in a rope halter just yet so I may get Dr. Cook as cheaper but seems like everyone recommending it although I like the looks of nutural but looks not so important to me they seem basically the same? I wish I could make my own man made leather haha. our second practice we are a lot better now haha.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFNDLvYWZQ0&feature=g-upl
  • Thank you dave. So many colors and designs to choose from haha. I found this one with a nice price but question is....is it sturdy?http://www.amazon.com/Mustang-Nylon-Bitless-Bridle-Reins/dp/B004ZQ5M9Y/ref=pd_sim_sbs_petsupplies_2. For the indian reiner, it seems to have that squeezing action, am I wrong? Does it release well?
  • Horse.com has the Mustang one. Scroll down and there are mixed customer reviews mostly about fit.

    The reiner does have the squeeze. It is the really good nylon. 
    I have bought a lot of rope tack from Handcrafted Jewels. It is all excellent, lasts forever and ships very fast. 
    (usually free shipping over $100?)

    Do you like purple?
  • Oh ok. Yeah I have to be careful about fit because I don't get to see the actual thing. Hehe Purple is not my favorite color but the color doesn't really mater to me. I'll check out how Handcrafted Jewel ships. I also found someone here who would like to make one for me the question is can we find the material. I know where to get the hardware but the nylon is a bit harder to find, or maybe I'm looking in wrong places.