Spent Memorial Day weekend at the Flying M ranch in the hills near Yamhill, Oregon for the annual Mule Skinners poker ride. There was a huge turnout. If I were to just make up numbers, I would say there were at least 50 rigs in the campgrounds and another 75 in the day use area on Saturday, slightly less on Sunday. Most of the rigs had 3 and 4 horse trailers with an according number of hoofstock. There were spots where we had 15 or 20 horses in front of us and an equal number behind us on the trails. My horses all did really good, they'd been around enough of these types of rides by now to not be all worked up around the strange horses. My husband rode his QH/Saddlebred gelding, Thunder, and ponied Sally the Mule. I rode my Haflinger mare, Sweet P. My young friend rode 'her' Haflinger mare, Peach. There was probably about 7 miles of trail, a good 2-hour ride with lots of up and downhill. Very soft, fresh trails and a good quantity of half-dry sticky clay mud. Found a few horseshoes in the muddy parts (sucks 'em right off if they aren't clinched down good and tight!) Our horses outpaced most of the others on the trail, for a first serious trail ride of the season they did great - huffed and sweated up the hills but recovered quickly where the grade decreased. We passed through groups of riders where the trail crossed logging roads, pushed on ahead and caught up to the next bunch. We actually made out pretty well at the prize drawing in the end. Got a set of fancy spur straps for my young friend, a heavy duty 50' garden hose, and a nice red training whip (the kind with a short string). Sally the mule had her first overnight camping trip, and first experience of going out two days in a row. She pawed and fussed a lot being tied up in camp, so she got introduced to hobbles. They kept her from pawing but she had plenty fun fussing in them. She actually took it all in stride quite well. Even though she fusses around on the rope she never pulls back on it. Just acts like a clown and lets everybody know how she feels about the situation. OK, time for picture overload. me on Sweet P, Peach and her Girl behind me

my husband ponying Sally

Peach and her Girl

me ponying Sally - 16.2 hand mule and 13.1 hand horse!

Home away from home

Thunder's prize

Horses standing in the tippy tippy trailer!

Blew a tire on the way home...