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Whoo Hoooo, great trail ride!!

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Whoo Hoooo, great trail ride!!
  • My 13 yr. old daughter and I went for a trail ride yesterday afternoon.  I rode my youngest's large POA and Kelly rode her paint, Tahoe.  We really moved out, trotted, cantered and galloped almost the whole ride.  Tahoe and Spirit were surprisingly energetic.  We were walking to give them a breather and both of them started at something, then we asked for a canter and they both took off like race horses.  Didn't know Spirit had it in him!!  They weren't really out of control but they were champing at the bit for sure.  Haven't ridden that fast in a long time!  Spirit is so sure-footed and it was nice to see him enjoying himself and feeling so good!  Spirit's rather chunky right now and amazingly, he was barely even damp under his saddle or anywhere.  There was a nice, cool breeze blowing which probably helped but I figured he'd sweat more than that.  Hidden reserves, I guess!
  • Sounds wonderful!  Shoulda taken along a camera crew!  [':)']