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new bobsled one if you are interested

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new bobsled one if you are interested
  • I'm assuming that Jacki is your videographer. Do you know how lucky you are to have her willing to go out in the freezing weather to take those? [':)']
  • She will go anywhere the grandkids are!  That's the secret.
  • Having 6 grandchildren, that's a secret I understand. ':)'
  • Always love seeing your team.  Your wife does a great job with the camera.
  • Thank you so much for sharing!!  Beautiful ':)'
  • My compliments to Jackie, she did a great job!  My compliments to you on your horses.  Your little haffies are wonderful to see and watch![':)'][':)']  Ah, to be able to spend time with my own grandsons...  Thanks for sharing.
  • LOVED it! Hi to Jackie!!