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Climate bill showdown: Obama, Dems pressing hard

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Climate bill showdown: Obama, Dems pressing hard
  • http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090625/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_climate_bill
    another load of bull.    the governments own figures say it will cost every household
    an average  $1500.00    a year in higher energy prices.
  • Like everything else he is doing a load of ......
  • obama and the democrats are not going to quit until the government
    practicially controls every thing you do.
    they want a socalists form of government,    that is obama's goal.
    it really started with old man Bush's    New World Order  stuff
    one world under one government
  •  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_4gCDwE9V0
    Quotes from some of our world's most influential people
  • WHEELING - Only one local congressman supported "cap and trade" legislation - intended to reduce carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants - as it passed the U.S. House Friday.
    U.S. Rep. Zack Space, D-Ohio, was among those voting "yes," as were eight Republicans who broke with party lines.
    Space had been uncommitted throughout the week on how he would vote on "cap and trade." Messages left with Space's office Friday night seeking comment on his vote were not returned.
    But 44 other Democrats voted against the White House-backed legislation. Among them were Alan Mollohan and Nick Rahall, both D-W.Va., and Charles Wilson, D-Ohio. All had previously indicated their opposition to "cap and trade."
    Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., joined with 168 Republicans in voting against the legislation, and she spoke out on the House floor during three hours of debate Friday.
    "At a time when families are already struggling just to meet basic needs, the last thing we need is a new energy tax on all consumers," Capito said. "Yet that's what the majority's bill amounts to.
    "It's a $646 billion national energy tax that will burden consumers, burden businesses and particularly burden our lower-income families. It picks regional winners and losers, with coal-dependent manufacturing states like West Virginia bearing the brunt of this bill."
  • [H2]THE FOUNDATION[/H2] "Every new regulation concerning commerce or revenue; or in any manner affecting the value of the different species of property, presents a new harvest to those who watch the change and can trace its consequences; a harvest reared not by themselves but by the toils and cares of the great body of their fellow citizens." --James Madison (likely), Federalist No. 62
    [H2]POLITICAL FUTURES[/H2]  [style="color: #555"]The only emissions problem is on Capitol Hill

    "The Heritage Foundation's senior policy analyst for energy and environment, Ben Lieberman, has produced a stellar paper on [the cap and trade bill]... Based on available evidence and analysis, Lieberman concludes 'that both the seriousness and imminence of anthropogenic global warming has been overstated.' But even if we assume the problem is as bad as the hysterics claim, the proposed bill 'would have a trivial impact on future concentrations of greenhouse gases. ...[It] would reduce the earth's future temperature by 0.1 to 0.2 degree C by 2100, an amount too small to even notice.' The bill would bind only the U.S., not other nations, many of which, like China, are 'polluting' at a record pace. Also note that many European nations that have already imposed similar emissions restrictions have seen their emissions rise. But what would the costs be for this quixotic legislative paean to earth goddess Gaia? Contrary to the flawed analyses being advanced by the bill's proponents, Heritage estimates that the direct costs would be an average of $829 per year for a household of four, totaling $20,000 between 2012 and 2035. But when considering the total cost as reflected in the cost of allocations and offsets, the average cost to that family unit would be $2,979 annually from 2012 to 2035. Adding insult and hypocrisy to injury, the bill would hurt the poor the worst because they would bear a disproportionate burden of the higher energy costs the bill would trigger. Now here's the kicker. The bill is also projected to harm the manufacturing sector and cause estimated 'net' job losses, averaging about 1.15 million between 2012 and 2030. The overall gross domestic product losses would average $393 billion per year from 2012 to 2035, and the cumulative loss in gross domestic product would be $9.4 trillion by 2035. The national debt for a family of four would increase by $115,000 by 2035. Enough already. Throw the bums out." --columnist David Limbaugh
    [H2]GOVERNMENT[/H2] "The EPA is now considering designating CO2 a dangerous pollutant. The regulation of essential elements of life by our government scares me. It should scare us all. I am devastated by the notion that our own government founded on freedom would regulate and control the most fundamental aspects of life on earth. Regulation on life's important things is certainly tyranny.... If we regulate carbon dioxide or water, we will all be subject to the regulations because we cannot avoid producing both and releasing them into the environment. Me and my children, and yours too, will become polluters as we simply live and respire. I cannot comprehend it. ...[C]arbon dioxide is the basis of the energy cycle for life. Without sufficient carbon dioxide plants stop photosynthesis. Without plants, the whole chain breaks down, and we all die. ... Government stepping beyond its basic essentials always harms more than it helps. Government can never be efficient. It is not in its nature. The scorpion stings because it is a scorpion. Government oppresses because it is the governing power. Our founding fathers tried to control the beast, and it can probably not be done better, so do not thwart the controls. The controls are to be on the government, not we the people. Reduce the EPA, not carbon dioxide. In the end, that will save our children." --columnist Lonnie Schubert
  • Lets hope the senate has more common sense than the house
    that might be wishful thinking on my part though.  LOL
  • [H2]THE DEMO-GOGUES[/H2]  [style="color: #555"]The Waxman-Malarkey cap and tax bill is bad news

    Biggest Big Lie of the Year: "Just last Friday, the House of Representatives came together to pass an extraordinary piece of legislation that will finally open the door to decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, preventing the worst consequences of climate change, and making clean energy the profitable kind of energy. Thanks to members of Congress who were willing to place America's progress before the usual Washington politics, this bill will create new businesses, new industries, and millions of new jobs, all without imposing untenable new burdens on the American people or America's businesses." --President Barack Obama on the cap and tax bill **In January 2008, Obama said, "nder my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket ... because I'm capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas ... you name it ... whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations. That will cost money. ...[T]hey will pass that money on to the consumers." He was right then.
    Patting her own back: "We passed transformational legislation, which will take us into the future. For some it was a very difficult vote because the entrenched agents of the status quo were out there full force, jamming the lines in their districts and here, and they withstood that." --House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on cap and tax
    Projecting Demo faults on the GOP: "[Republicans] want to play politics and see if they can keep any achievements from being accomplished that may be beneficial to the Democrats. They're rooting against the country and I think in this case, even rooting against the world because the world needs to get its act together to stop global warming." --Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA)
    How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb: "The first step we're taking sets new efficiency standards on fluorescent and incandescent lighting. I know light bulbs may not seem sexy, but this simple action holds enormous promise because 7 percent of all the energy consumed in America is used to light our homes and our businesses. Between 2012 and 2042 these new standards will save consumers up to $4 billion a year. We're going to start here at the White House. Secretary Chu has already started to take a look at our light bulbs and we're going to see what we need to replace them with energy efficient light bulbs." --Barack Obama
  • H.R. 2454 is a 1400-page promise to audit every aspect of your home and life under the guise of creating jobs, clean energy and a sustainable world. However, before we get into the bill lets examine the way it#%92s been handled. 

    The secrecy of the bill and the speed of which the legislation is being railroaded is quite alarming. The last two times I#%92ve seen this was with the Patriot Act and TARP legislation.
    Congressman Ron Paul told the Washington Times that no one was allowed to read the Patriot Act, and for that, we received one of the most anti-American legislations we#%92ve ever seen. Complete with secret arrests, indefinite detentions and forced DNA collection from “suspected terrorists.” 
    TARP had similar shenanigans, it was rushed through the house, no one could read it and threats of Marshal Law were made. Rep. Brad Sherman tells us in the clip what happened behind closed doors. 
      Senator James Inhofe later revealed on a Tulsa Talk Show the US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson was behind the Martial Law threat. The bill passed and TARP and other bailout schemes are currently at $13.9 trillion. It promised jobs, growth and economic recovery. Unemployment rates continue to sky rocket and most economists will tell you we are already in a depression. 
    There are several problems with this bill, however I#%92ll only address the first two, as the third is self-explanatory; 
    1)  The bill makes the assumption that man-made climate change is undisputed and widely accepted as fact.
    2)  The bill unleashes bureaucrats to audit and judge your lifestyle.
    3)  The bill will drive the last remaining manufacturing jobs out of the country to unregulated countries.
    Let's examine these claims closer.
    Man-made climate change is a myth 
    I cannot explain it any better than this short 8-minute clip from the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. The first few minutes of this clip covers a small portion of internet inventor Al Gore#%92s documentary An Inconvenient Truth. It briefly covers his thesis of “CO2 levels are directly related to temperature levels. Therefore our release of carbon dioxide from coal, cars and energy is heating the Earth.” The second half is followed by hard science and facts. Please take just a few minutes to view this video. 

    Just to recap, CO2 levels climb several hundred years after a cyclical rise in temperature, it#%92s as simple as that.   What about Gore#%92s convincing graph you ask? Two things, let#%92s assume Gore is correct, let#%92s flip his reasoning, let#%92s say temperature rising causes CO2 to rise.&nbsp';P'erhaps the sun is responsible? Just a thought on the way to read his graph if you insist on claiming he is right. The second issue is the scientists#%92 cherry-picked the tree ring temperature history data to fit Gore#%92s story. They did not use the ice core samples he claimed in his movie. When confronted about these findings, the scientist replied, “You have to pick cherries if your are going to make cherry pie.” 

    Although some will still not believe those findings, there is undoubtedly enough evidence to merit a discussion or debate. No debate ever took place and questioning the climate-change “science” is not tolerated well. In fact, The London Telegraph printed an article stating climate change denial should be considered a mental disorder. Al Gore commonly responds to the opposition with, “There are also people who believe the moon landing took place in a studio in Arizona too.” Therefore insinuating the skeptics and opposition are conspiracy theorists. No conspiracy theorists here AG, just conspiracy fact.  
    Home Audit: A Look into the Future
    The bill states every home owner will receive an energy audit. What is a home energy audit? It is an intrusive visit made by the bureaucrats at the Home Energy Team or a similar group.  They will examine and report the way you live your life directly to RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) . Light fixtures, socket types, spas, hot tubs, windows, appliances, walls and roofs will all be under review. Energy tests will be conducted throughout your house. At the end of the visit you will receive a report and a rating. The report will focus on the changes you need to make and the rating is called a HERS rating (Home Energy Rating System). RESNET will perform the audits through authorized contractors. RESNET has adopted the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards. The standards set the national procedures for home energy ratings.    
    According to RESNET, an audit consists of:
    Comprehensive Home Energy Audit - A level of the RESNET Home Energy Audit process defined by this standard to include the evaluation, diagnosis and proposed treatment of an existing home. The Comprehensive Home Energy Audit may be based on a Home Performance Assessment (“Comprehensive Home Performance Energy Audit”) or Home Energy Rating (“Comprehensive HERS Audit”), in accordance with the criteria established by this Standard. A homeowner may elect to go through this process with or without a prior Home Energy Survey or Diagnostic Home Energy Survey.
    Here is an in-depth breakdown of the audit
    704.1.2.3 The Home Energy Survey Professional shall request copies of utility bills or
    written permission to obtain the energy use information from the utility company, and use
    them to produce an estimate of generalized end-uses (base, heating, and cooling).
    704.1.2.5. Minimum Procedures for an In-Home Energy Survey:
    704. R-values of wall/ceiling/floor insulation
    704. Square footage and approximate age of home
    704. Type of windows: glazing type(s) and frame material(s)
    704. Type, model number, and location of heating/cooling system(s)
    704. Type of ductwork, location and R-value of duct insulation, and any
    indications of previous duct sealing
    704. Type of foundation is crawl, basement, or slab
    704. Checklist of common air-leakage sites indicating likely opportunities
    for leakage reduction
    704. Estimated age and efficiency of major appliances such as
    dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers
    704. Number and type of hardwired light fixtures and screw-in bulbs in
    portable lamps suitable for energy efficient re-lamping
    704. Visual indications of condensation
    704. Presence and location of exhaust fans, and determination of whether
    they are vented outdoors
    704. Number and type of water fixtures (e.g. faucets, showerheads)
    704. Presence and type(s) of combustion equipment; identification of
    visually identifiable evidence of flame rollout, blocked chimney, and corroded or
    missing vent connector.
    There is no doubt homes need to be more efficient, however, this audit will drain the pockets of the unlucky people whose houses are older and/or cheaply made due to builder irresponsibility. Let#%92s say your builder used cheap windows, very little insulation or a high-water toilet, the cost of those upgrades will be in the thousands of dollars. By making the recommended changes, you will receive a tax credit for improvements made under the energy star program.&nbsp';P'lease note, most rebates are 30% of cost, maximum $1500. Good luck if your central air is deemed unacceptable.  After the upgrades are completed, you must have the auditors back out to your property for a final inspection. Early reports of denying audits carry a misdemeanor charge and a $2000 fine for each count.  The more you deny, the more you pay.   
    As mentioned before, we do need clean energy, less fossil fuel, more efficient homes and cars, but not this way.  Make no mistake, we do have real environmental crises; drugs in the water, cloning, species extinction, genocide and genetically modified food are all very real.  Let#%92s focus on those, before you focus on the kind of faucet I have in the bathroom. Recycle, walk, ride a bike from time-to-time, open your windows, tune-up your car and plant a garden, but please, stay out of my house!
    Contact your Senator and tell them to vote this down or you#%92ll vote them out.


  • A reply from one of my state senators  regarding his
    vote on the climate bill.
    Yep he is a democrat.
    Thank you for sharing your views about energy legislation.

    Effective clean energy legislation will reduce carbon emissions and promote the production of renewable energy—but most importantly it will also ensure the creation of new clean energy jobs and industries. Clean energy legislation must also ensure the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers and protect consumers by keeping utility rates affordable. We must work to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by making America a global leader in clean energy manufacturing.

    For this reason, I recently announced legislation called the Investments for Manufacturing Progress and Clean Technology (IMPACT) Act. This legislation, which was included in the House energy bill, would support manufacturers' transition to the clean energy economy and ensure clean energy jobs are created here in the U.S. This legislation would create a revolving loan fund for small and medium size manufacturers to retool and expand facilities to produce clean energy technology and energy efficient products. It is estimated this measure will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

    A growing consensus of scientists agree that human activities are contributing to rising sea levels, extreme weather, and climate change across the globe. As the world#%92s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, the United States has a clear obligation to be at the forefront of climate change policy. Without action, we risk our health and the health of future generations, the well-being of our coastal areas, and the productivity of our farms, forests, and fisheries.

    As climate change legislation continues to be discussed in Congress, I will work to ensure that an unfair burden is not placed on Ohio families and businesses and that clean energy legislation creates new jobs and economic opportunities across Ohio.

    I will certainly keep your views in mind as this legislation moves through Congress. Thank you again for writing.


    Sherrod Brown
    United States Senator