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Debate this!

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Debate this!
  • Why do we need a debate section?  So if we argue we get sent here?  It seems odd it's in a private section that you have to be a member to access.  We used to do fine arguing in the other sections.  BUT we've sorta been playing nice lately.  Are you encouraging us to argue?  [8|] 
  • I guess sooo...
    Maybe so we don't clog up the other sections. We ARE getting new members... We could bring up the old 'To Shoe or Not to Shoe' here...
  • or- which discipline is better? or old-style/ new- style breeds...  Stuff like that I guess.
  • Ooo - I like debate sections!  That is usually where you can find the fun hot topics.  Been too long since I've been in a good debate - other than the political ones that are getting old.  I need a good horse-related debate.
  • or how many wild mustangs and burros  would be enough
    to keep in zoos  so people in 50 yrs would know what they looked like.    [':o']
    or about Obama yelling the SKy is falling ,  the Sky is falling  concerning
    the health care he is trying to ram through.  
    since he was boo'ed  at the Dr. Conference he spoke at ,  he is now
    saying limiting the amount that people can sue for could be on the table
    if they support his ideas. 
  • No, we are not encouraging you to argue, but we are giving you a means and a place to have debates on any topic.

    We would like to keep all debate type discussions in one area, and so are giving everyone a space to do that.

  • SecondChance - I with you on the Obama stuff!!!!!!!
  • I was reading tonight that the president of the Drs. conference he spoke at
    recommended to the group that they support Obamas plans.
    on yahoo news.
  • Driftin?  You SPOKE to me? [8|]  You mean I'm NOT invisible?
  • I'm just no good at debates
  • [quote=gunslinger598]

    I'm just no good at debates

    So????   You still have good opinions and views.
  • How are you at gunfights???
  • None of my guns have a miss in them.
  • [quote=gunslinger598]

    None of my guns have a miss in them.

    I think you & I should load for bear & head to DC to protest............a LOT!
  • according to the head of Homeland Security
    protesters are terrorists.   [':o'
    So I hope you don't plan on flying anywhere soon.  [':D']