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Toby's new hobby...

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Toby's new hobby...
  • I took these yesterday.  Its the first time Toby has been ground drove & the first time in harness. I had bought this for JJ, my donkey, who I had intended to be my driving animal, but the saddle/girth was a bit too big for him.

  • How very handsome!
  • He looks like a natural, doesn't he?  That last picture made me smile.  He's such a character!  Is he having fun?  No train wrecks?
  • Thanks.  We had a lot of fun and no train wrecks.  He acted like he had done it a million times.  Well that was after he got used to the blinkers.  At first he didn't like not being able to see me behind him and kept trying to turn to face me so he could see me.  LOL - poor boy tried to get the lines twisted up.  However, once I started chatting to him he relaxed and went on his merry way. 
  • I've heard the blinkers/blinders are the only way to go.... safely.  I've got a cart but no harness!  Gotta go get the cart from Painted Lady.