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A New Start

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A New Start
  • Hey guys! So.....I ended up keeping Cayden and moved her to a new barn, which would be my lesson barn. Haha. I'm giving her another chance to improve since we'll have bigger arenas to do more and have weekly lessons! We kinda realized she might have ulcers, so we're treating them and actually it helped her calmed down a lot! She was super chill about moving vs when we moved her to my old barn. She also has a boyfriend already! He lives right next door to her, and he's sooo sweet omg I love.<3 His name is Nickle. We have our first lesson this Saturday since September, and I'm super excited, and I hope she'll be a lot better about jumping now that her ulcers are being treated, and that might have been the reason she was acting up so bad towards the jumps at the show in April, as well as afterwards. So fingers crossed all goes well. Today I just groomed her and lunged her in the main arena for 15 minutes and she did really well. We might have a show in August, and that's probably when the next update will be.(: The riding ones are from today, and the rest are from last week. Please ignore my EQ, its really bad.:/ But she was awesome for our ride today, esp given she hasn't ridden in this arena yet and it was like 95 degrees out when we finished our ride. Picture time!
  • Sounds like a change for the good! SOO sorry about the ulcers! Those are so scary! What kind of symptoms did she have? Did you have her scoped? 
  • That's what I'm hoping! And they really are, esp since I've never dealt with an ulcer horse before. We didn't have her scoped because we just can't afford that, but she became really irritable, her coat is dull, she refuses fences she doesn't really ever refuses. And its not like "omg I'm scared of the jump" type of refusing, its more like just trotting sideways to avoid the jump so it wouldn't cause her stomach pains. We had a lesson last Saturday and she did a lot better about jumping and seems happier about being ridden then she was couple months ago or at the show.
  • Congrats on the move and I bet Cayden is happy about your decision ':)' Hope the ulcers are the solution to her issues and that lessons will keep you progressing ':)' She's a cute mare.
  • So glad you decided to keep her! Sound like you two will have many awesome shows to come!
  • Thanks guys! ':D' So far I'm really happy that I kept her, esp how amazing she was in my lesson yesterday.