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help me with his breed!!!!

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help me with his breed!!!!
  • i rescued him a few wks ago and i know hes a paint but hes mixed with something else. Any suggestions???? hes 6yrs old and has no papers so im going on a whim here. suggestions greatly appreciated!!!
  • First of all HI!!!!!  *waves*

    Not much to go on here.  How big is he and can you post any other pictures.  Watching him move might be helpful.  Have you ridden him?  Can you get a saddle gait out of him?   Lots of questions!
    Very pretty boy.  How do you know he has something else in him.  I've always been confused by Paints.  Aren't they just Quarter Horses with more chrome?  Anyway, I hope you get your answers and enjoy him for a very long time!!!  
  • Yeah, the paint part is obvious.  He does have long legs, maybe he's more of the TB side of paint or appendix QH?  Lucky you!  Hope he's a good boy.
  • You might have a Saddlebred there, I have a Saddlebred paint and he is amazing, same shaped back and stocky.  Adorable boy and his gaits are fun!
  • he might be a pinto but are pinto's and paint's the same thing im not sure
  • maybe a chincoteague pony/horse 
  • go tohttp://www.horsechannel.com/horse-breeds/all_landing.aspx it gives you all the horse breeds and pictures