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Inland Hurricane

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Inland Hurricane
  • We had some bad storms here yesterday. We were lucky at our house and just had some downed tree limbs and one window on the carport was blown out. It had plexiglass in it, so no broken glass, TG. We had some metal chairs on the back porch, a wind chime, and a bird house that were blown out into the yard. When we got home from work, we found horse tracks in our yard and it looked like they also went up the road. Somebody put them back in, but so far we haven't found out who. When I went out to feed last night, I had trouble opening the gate. Evidently the wind must have blown the gate open and tweaked it some. One side has a chain on it, so the wind must have blown it off of the hinges on the other side. My son had a trampoline at his house that ended up wrapped around a tree. I heard on the news tonight that so far, from storm damage observation, they are saying at least 12 tornadoes hit SW MO Friday. I was at work and when the storm hit, it was so dark, it looked like night time. The wind was ferocious! There are saying between 70 and 80 MPH, so there was alot of damage just from the straight line wind, besides the areas hit by tornadoes. I guess that is why they are calling it an "inland hurricane". 3 deaths have been contributed to the storm. There are still alot of people in our little part of the world who don't have electricity yet. We were lucky there, too, because as far as we could tell, it looked like our power stayed on. We definitely lucked out this time (knock on wood). That is as close to a hurricane as I ever want to experience. I am glad that I don't live in Florida!
  • Thank God you and yours is OK. With a storm like that it is a miracle more people didn't die. 

    How did the horses do? Are there any more storms forecasted?

  • Glad you're safe.  Very scary!!