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Quit Digging Up My Yard

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Quit Digging Up My Yard
  • Horseless 1    Armadillo  o    [:D]
    He out ran me night before last I had a stick and was going to wail on him.
    He didnt out run the 22 bullet last night. LOL
    He has torn my yard up!![:@]
    The End
    I love happy endings. [:D]
  • Didja eat 'em?
  • MMM-mmm! Possum on a half shell!  Mrs. Horseless can cook up ANYTHING.  And of course, a good hunter eats everything he shoots!
  • nooo armadillos are way cute.  Horseless you are mEAN
  • Armadillo's aka Oklahoma speed bumps.
    Not easy to kill with a bullet either. I've put 3 shots into em with a 44  mag and they were spurtin blood like an oil well & still managed to run off.
    Folks around here don't eat them. They are thought to carry leprosy.
  • I've never seen a real live armadillo. I saw a grease spot on the highway in Texas that might have been an armadillo at one time, but it was hard to say.
    Do they make good pets?
  • They're the only animal that can carry leprosy, I believe.  I just read about a leper colony in the US.  Hmmm...
    Those critters are so destructive.  They'll tear up some ground and put holes all in your pasture.  Dangerous riding where armadillos live.
  • someone gave mel a birthday present of a bowl made out of one. I would think whomever made it disinfected it.......I wouldn't touch it. It is really freaking creepy, tail and all.......

    Is that leper colony in Crawford, Tx?
  • Not sure.  I think there's a jail thing there, too.  I'm too lazy to Google it. [:-]
  • the next night my 14 yr old son shot one too. good boy!![':D']
    Horseless 2  armadiilo 0
  • I have heard of them making  "fair" pets when ya get em young.
    When an armadillo gives birth all the babies are the same sex.
    Seems like I heard of a pet store that sold babies for $15.00.
  • We never saw armadillos around here until a few years ago. Now we see them all of the time. My dogs kill them. I would guess in the past 2 years, my dogs have killed 3 or 4 dozen. It is not a pretty site to see my dogs go after one of those nasty things and then they start stinking to high heaven almost immediately. Armadillos sure can be destructive and make your yard look like hogs have been rooting in it. The only positive to that is that I think they eat grubs, so it does help out with the moles the next year. At least, it seemed that way to us. We have also had them dig a big hole under our foundation trying to get under the house. Of course, my dogs contributed to the size of the hole, trying to go after them. I asked my vet about my dogs getting diseases from the armadillos, but he didn't seem too concerned. Why on earth did God have to put those nasty creatures on this earth? If I ever make it to Heaven, that is one of the questions that I am going to ask.
    Horseless, if they are as plentiful around your place as they are ours, you may be shooting one or two every month. Good luck!