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Glendale Wildlife Zoo-Pictures!

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Glendale Wildlife Zoo-Pictures!
  • During our trip to Phoenix, Hubby's little sister and I had the same idea; let's go to the zoo!!
    Here are some pictures of the animals, BEWARE there are a lot of babies!!! 

    Here is a baby monkey, I don't remember the exact name for him, but he was full of it, it took me ten minutes to get a picture of him that wasn't blurry!

    This little guy was using a stick to try to pull orange peels into the cage lol he was a cutie

    A baby panther, she was in there to see the doctor

    A crocdile, I think, they had an amazing reptile exhibit, but you weren't supposed to take pictures of the snakes, some of them were bigger around than me!

    Alligators, they were all chillin in the sunshine, cause it was pretty cold out there

    Camels, I love the camels they are so cute!

    Some Zebras and their baby

    There was a place where you could walk up and feed the Giraffes and they get close enough that I reached out and petted this one, they have huge eyes! There was a baby there too, but he went inside and I couldn't get a picture of him.

    There was also a little sky lift thing that we rode on and there was this kangaroo just chillin in the sunlight

    A Llama, they also had a petting zoo with some baby goats, llamas and deer inside. The deer were pretty cool to pet, the babies are soft and the mommas are really wiry feeling. When I was in there my camera was dead...so I didn't get pictures of them. 

    Some Lions playing

    A tiger, he is pretty far away in this picture, but he was the biggest one I've ever seen

    (bears? Nah, none there)

    Here is the behind of a white peacock, I had never seen one before

    Here he is again, less fluffy 

    A very tame peacock who let me take a picture close enough that I could have petted him.


    A porcupine, they aren't very friendly, Hubby tried to touch one...he didn't get stung(?) by it though lol

    Well there you are! I love going to the zoo, this one wasn't fantastic but it wasn't that bad either, I'm still itching to go to a real zoo there weren't any Rhinos at this one!

  • I like to say llama in llama-talk... so it sounds like llaaa-aaa-aaama.  I guess the Emporer's New Groove was one of my favorite movies. [':)'] Like David Spade.
    Nice pics, trip! Glad you guys had fun!!