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All set!?

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All set!?
  • I've got to get this out. The most overused phrase in the entire state of Connecticut:
    It might have a question mark at the end as in: what the cashier says as you approach the check out line. "All set?" (makes me wanna slap the smile... j/k) NOOO I'M READY TO CHECK OUT!!!!
    It might have a period at the end as in: showing the gate guard your ID card, and him waving you through. "You're all set" in an authoritative tone. SHUT UP AND WAVE ME THROUGH!!! NO WORDS REQUIRED! WHERE DOES IT SAY "CHECK I.D., SAY 'ALL SET' AND WAVE CAR THROUGH"????!!!
    I hear it on the stinkin' hand-held radios we use at work. Q: "how's that toilet coming, Joe?" A:"It's all set!" REALLY? Wasn't it set in place years ago and actually you just repaired it???
    What in the world did we ever say in Memphis??? I've never heard so many "all sets" in my life! They're EVERYWHERE! I picture a horror movie with zombies walking around saying "all set" over and over again.  Dang. Even Chatter said it to me this morning.  Noooooo!!!!!!
    Okay. I'm better.  No wait. I'm all set.
  • LOL!!  Sorry [';)']  I was like that when I had jury duty and was in jury selection and the judge would ask a general question like "Do any of you have a problem with authority or the police that would interfere with your ability to serve on this jury?" and people would raise their hand and ramble on forever about the most idiotic incidents, dragging us through 3 days ...... I wanted to jump up and scream "Shut up and stop trying to fake your way out of jury duty and wasting our time!!  Enough already....."  I'm usually really easy-going but having to listen to people wanting their 15 minutes of "fame" or trying to get out of their civic duty really annoyed me.  Trying to think what we do in California, like, umm, like ...... maybe say "like" every fourth word, you know, like that.....[':D']  Hang in there a little longer and you'll be "all set", chickie!!
  • Hmm. So the next time someone says, "All set?" to you say, "You bet!". Then it will be like, you know, a football game. (Did I get all the annoying words in there?)
  • lol aw poor hunter. I don't think famington, nm has a catch phrase...lol no wait we do! and it only applies when someone says to you, 'what do you want to do,' or 'what should we do,' or 'what can we do,' or something along those lines, 'it didn't rain like the weather man said it was going too,' also works um...'this town is so boring,' works too lol and the response that everyone says is 'it's farmington,' kind of like what did you expect out of this town? lol yea I live in a boring place...
    good luck with the all set thing lol now everytime someone says that I'm going to have to resist the urge to ask if they're from CT [':D']
  • I had to laugh.... that's funny.... kind of reminds me of something George Carlin would have talked about. Isn't it interesting how different areas of the U.S. have different ways of saying things? That was one reason why I loved the movie "Fargo" so much. You betcha.