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disposable phones

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disposable phones
  • Does anyone here use them?  My kids are going to the State Fair and Id like to get them each one for that.  That way I know I can find them.  They were really good last year about staying with one of us that had a phone, so it wasnt an issue. 
    my kids really dont need phones otherwise, so this will be a once in a while deal.  To put them onto my contract would be much more and have another contract. 
    Just wondering what the low cost/less hassle phone is.  We have Tmobile, Tracfone, and the gophone up here.  Im leaning towards the tmobile right now, but with the gophone, if you are talking to another att phone, there is no cost. 
    thanks in advance!
  • have you thought about a set of
    what I call  walkie talkies.  
    little 2 way radios that a pair of don't cost to much
    and could be used afterward for use on the farm
    like an intercom between barn, fields, house.
    other wise any cheap pay as you go phone.
    I have seen trakphones for 10 bucks at dollar general
    the problem is you have to invest in a card to buy minutes
    a 60 minute trakphone card is 20$
    But some trakphones you can buy are double the minutes for the
    life of the phone.
  • Thanks Second Chance! 
    Altho the walkie talkie is a good idea, its not feezable at the State Fair grounds.  too much interferance. 
    My oldest will also be returning to the fair 2 days after we come back from the Livestock weekend for one of the Education trips. 
    I did somemore looking at phones when I was in Target the otherday and what you posted is true there too. 
    I think i will be doing the tracfone, but will just get one.  that way... out of the 3 kids, if they are together, there will only be one without a phone.  And KJ will be able to be contacted by the chaperone during his second trip.
  • What you said about AT&T being free to other AT&T phones is a big thing with the kids here.  Of course with those they cost you $1 each day you use them.  You have to buy the plan that gives you unlimited texting or they charge you for each.  Stuff like that eats up your minutes.

    I had a Tracphone and was happy with it.  No daily charge. But no free calls either.  I bought the card that doubled my  minutes.  I let the homeless guy use it and I guess he still has it.   No biggee.  So I got an AT&T and my son has that one cuz he lost his. 
  • We've had our pay as you go phones for several years. The girls now take them when they go places without us. We use tmobil and put $20 on about once a year. You have to remember to put more minutes on at the end of your year or you lose those minutes. For as little as the phones get used. Its a good program for us. Is that how the tracphones work?
  • Honestly, I buy a phone card every month or so.  Some months I use more but you keep what you have without losing any time.  If you don't use it much you have to pay a certain amount for your annual use but buying phone cards on a regular basis fulfills that requirement.   I didn't use it much.  I sort of miss it.  The homeless guy kept it which is okay but.... 
  • I have a TracFone, it's a Motorola and works really well, I was amazed at how good it is. 
  • Mine is a motorola Trakfone, too.  I buy a one year card, get double minutes and my only complaint is I don't get service everywhere.  It is handy and sooo much cheaper than most of the other plans.
  • Thank everyone for your imput.  I decided not to get any phones at all for the state fair.  just ran out of time to buy, really.  But that was OK, cuz all went well in the end.
    If I ever do go that route, then I will definately go with a Tracfone.  It does seem to be the best deal of them all as well as the better service around here. 
    Thank you again.