JC Javelle
Posted : 12/16/2010 6:59:11 PM
I have limited experience with Roma's (Roma, not Romanian), or Gypsies as you would call them. There are other names, gypsy being the least favored from what I have been told, I just do not remember them right now. As far as I know, it's a very broad spectrum. In the United States they are not heavily rallied against. The general hatred in the US is currently aimed at muslims and the middle east. I am sure at one point there was prejudice against Roma's, just like there was prejudice against the Germans, Japanese, Italians, Irish, black slaves, etc. Is it still here though? Very doubtful. If anything the rarity would make them exotic here.
Currently, I do not know of any 'traveler' communities in the US (edit: I don't know of any beyond traveling Circus'). Although I could probably ask a friend who is a 'traveler' and see what he knows.