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Test results back and
  • she has PPID, commonly known as Cushings.  Wooly hair, excessive sweating, drinking over 20 gallons a day...and WAY reduced on feed...she is getting a little and I mean little bit of pellets that are made to be sugar free.  Plus some BOSS,  She is still sweet but seems dull.  Time, I think, unless vet changes her mind, to wean her off the Bute.  She is getting Prascend, 1 mg tablet a day.  She eats all of her meds as long as I mix them with carrot slices...not many baby carrots because they are sweet.  All I read gives me little to no hope for her to be my saddle horse again.  The Cushings is bad enough but adding the heart murmur makes things harder.

    I have started looking for a horse to ride.  Have a chance for a nice off the track Standardbred but he has never been ridden...sweet, right size, just no heart for racing.  8 years old.  Usually they transition to saddle fairly easily but he does have a bit of vinegar in him.  Same lady has a 20 year old brood mare they are not breeding any more...she just weaned her last colt.  she is beautiful , but , again , not ridden.  Then there is the 16 year old...BIG, stout, has been ridden and has a head only a mom would love.....Too big for me to comfortably saddle unless I get a platform which is not impossible although mounting from the ground out in a field might be a challenge.  If I decide I do not want any of these I know of a nearby lesson program that uses only Standardbreds and they have excellent care there.  

    I have been in touch with a broker lot (last stop before the border) and he at least rides them and evaluates them and offers them for sale....and his prices are reasonable....he says, wait a bit , they come in more in the fall and I understand that.  So , I will take care of her and try to know what to do.  I want her to have a life with some quality...right now she has very little and it hurts.

    okay...kind of getting rambling here.  Hope all have a blessed Sunday and a great week.

  • Sorry to hear your news Connie.

    Wait and the right one will come available.

    I've had my share of big horses and at this stage of the game smaller is better.

    And broke, I have done my share of white knuckle rides and no more is my plan.

    Had a nice little ride on Prize last evening.

    He is so smart but gets tired of repetitive work quickly.

    Did some trotting and he was perfect.

    How did I get so lucky?

    I am going to ride Sarcee today.

    Have been thinking I need to enjoy her while I still can.

    Everyone have a wonderful Sunday.

  • I feel what you are going through Connie.  All the best.

  • Sorry the test results came in as they did. My sister's horse is currently ridable, though I suspect that won't last long. Her family rarely rides anyway, been 6 months since they have saddled up a horse. We prefer to ride without them, much more peaceful!