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More Monday
  • rain and Tuesday as well.
    drier again the rest of the week.
    Need to get working on outdoor stuff since it is finally cooler.

    i guess another day of doodling inside.
    I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

  • Vet here yesterday for Cherish....rather than run expensive tests she suggested getting a different blacksmith, have the shoes pulled, and see what he says....put her on Bute for a few days for the pain.  Digital pulse is okay so no problem as of yet with foot infection but blacksmith today said the previous guy hurt her with a nail...just before I saw him hit her in the belly (previous, not this one),  He said to let her feet grow and watch for any signs of infection and she should get better.  Vet insists I cut back on her grain.  One cup twice a day and a half cup if I insist on lunch for her...she can have her BOSS, however. I have been putting the bute in her feed...intact tablets and she is eating it willingly.  Good horse.

    She has developed a crest...not a good thing but it does make her look more Morgan.  She also has a heart murmur but she said she should be fine for the riding I am apt to do.  So, all in all, two days for my girl and the prognosis is good.

  • Mine all get 1 cup soaked twice a day and all are fat.

    Except Prize gets 2-3 cups alfalfa pellets soaked twice a day.

    He drops weight quickly so careful with him. Such a balancing act because he gets a big hay belly also.

    My Sarcee has a crest but she gets fat on air so have to watch her weight carefully.

    A hot nail is very painful.

    Great pulling shoes let her feet grow out on Boss.

    Does she even need shoes?

    Good girl eating bute pills!

  • the one that put the shoes on and then reset them in 6 weeks said she did because she had a chip in her left front first time and he notched it out and said she needs shoes....She s VERY tender footed now but an angel to work on and is getting a bit better each day....I am using black salve on all four but only vet wrapping the front...I put overnights on her yesterday to help with any soreness from walking wrong with the sore fronts.  She does look morgan and when I searched pictures of MOsrgans one farm shows a mare that looks exactly like her.  So glad for this group.