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Sunday So Much

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Sunday So Much
  • to do.

    Did a lesson for neighbor child.
    She finally decided she is interested in horses.
    Tex was the victim and did very well .
    He actually listened to the tiny person on his back.

    The round pen was overgrown but it worked out.
    I let the horses graze it down after and I pulled the big nasties.

    I will ride Tex today and work on his reining.
    He will be better if child is serious.

    I dug some errant mulberry volunteers and potted them.
    I would like to put one near chicken pen that is under construction.
    When the berries ripen , I will be able to shake the tree and rain down berries on future hens.

    It is just hot.

  • Temps dropping here in the True Northern California.  

    Started back to Oak Run and had to return to Fawn Lodge.  The idler mounted to the AC Compressor seized and spit off the belt on the way over Buckhorn Summit.  I turned around and carefully climbed back up the grade after jerry-rigging the fan belt to work.  Got home with it without overheating.  Waiting for the Roommate to return and we will see if there is a Fan Belt that will fit.