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Sunday Simple

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Sunday Simple
  • I simply don't feel like doing anything today.
    But I need to clean and have yard work to do .

    Did a short ride on Sarcee at the cabin yesterday.
    We made it about 3/4 way around the property when rain clouds said to stop.

    I hope everyone has a simply lovely Sunday.
  • I can relate!  Need to get off my backside and back to work with the water system.  However, here I am, on the  internet..

  • Well, hooked up the house yesterday and no pressure.  It just dribbles.  Not quite sure just what the problem is.  Unless it's because I used too small of pipe... just not sure.  Very disappointing.  Also having problems with leaks as well.

  • makes me sad

    hard work and more to  do in this hot weather

  • Stude for me it is get off my backache.

    I hope you get the plumbing figured out easily.

  • Checked the original source of water and the tank is full to the top with beautiful, clear water.  However the neighbor has felled a huge pile of trees across the service road and cut the water line in two places.  Gotta love spiteful people!