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Wednesday Well

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Wednesday Well
  • Turned Prize out with everyone finally on Monday
    Followed them for about 30 minutes.
    Some warning kicks and they settled in.

    That's a huge help.
    And less feed since everyone is out and there is plenty grass.
    Now I will have to shorten up turnout time since they are all getting fatter.

    I hope everyone is having a great week.
  • Storms came through Wednesday....not bad until after noon.   Only one tornado touched down...have not heard any reports on damage but saw a picture of destroyed trees.

    Cherish is settling in nicely , gaining weight and putting up with my nonsense.  Tessa is still here and probably will be until the weekend.

    Still muggy here.  Thankful for the dehumidifier in my bedroom and AC in the living room.

    Hoping all are doing well.  Stude, hoping you are coping with the oppressive heat and the fire danger....plus the water situation.  

  • Heading into drough coniditions here in SC. Chance of rain this afternoon.  Seems to be the norm here in the Summer. Good rain in  the Spring then in the Summer start thinking we need a tropical storm to wander thru to give us some rain.

    Kinsley, grandaughter, rode Apache for the first time last Sunday. Went very well. Kinsley is the best rider of us all anyway and Apache has advanced to another level of being a horse. Afterwards, John her younger brother, did a little unlead ride on Apache for the 1st time. It was his first tine in total control of any horse while riding.

    We had planned on taking Kinsley on a Beach Ride last week but when I went to book no slots available. Will try again next year on our annual camping trip with the kids. Plan is to inlcude John with us. He is old enough and we will work with him during the year to get him ready. No experience is needed on the beach ride horses, but would feel better if he has some skills.