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Friday Finally

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Friday Finally
  • getting Tex's teeth done today.
    I'm embarrassed that he is so overdue.

    Still HOT here.
    Hard to get riding done.
    Hard to get anything done really.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  •  Gave Cherish a bath in the empty stall yesterday...warm water and sponge type....have to carry hot from house so it is warm not a hot bath.  She looks more like a black horse now.  Shedding blades do a great job on removing hair but not so much body scurf.  I actually used a dandruff shampoo on her.  She needs more but at least she does not look like a roan now.  So far she has accepted everything I do but she still is not crazy about being bothered when eating her feed...don't blame her she came here undernourished.

    Need to ride her again.  First ride was just to make sure I could and now need to get better acquainted with her.  She is a pretty nicely put up horse and a good size for me.

  • Cherish looks to be a pretty girl.  #:~D   Let Socks and the boys out in the back.  Yeah, we got  about a quarter of the area in the back referenced finally,  The boys like it, but I think they miss all the nice, sweet Timothy in the neighbor's pasture.  It really was lovely.  The neighbor's stallion got out and he's now in that paddock.  Having the time of his life too!  #:~D  Anyways I have to start fencing another quarter.

    The heat has arrived with a vengeance!   The next two weeks are supposed to be between 105 and 107.  Nights in the seventies here in Oak Run.  Misery incarnate.  The well is producing very little water as well.  Hoping to just keep the veggies alive at this point.

    The water tank fell down off the hill in Fawn Lodge.  So no water there until I can get it fixed.  It fell down a practically vertical face about thirty feet high.   Then rolled across the old access road and  down another embankment, then another thirty feet to the back of the house.  Punched a lot of little holes in the tank and broke the crap out of the fittings.  It's gonna take a deal of fixing for that.  Thankfully we have another tank on the property.  It's just getting it back up the face of the escarpment and on to the little platform the old tank sat on.  It takes the same volume, just half the height and twice the radius,  Lots to do before I can tackle that!  Back to work on that next week.  

    Saving every possible drop in Oak Run and looking to reestablish the supply of drops in Fawn Lodge.  I may hook up the new tank on the lower road for now.  Will give sucky water pressure, however sucky is better than none.

    I hope everyone has a great week.