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Saturday Still

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Saturday Still
  • going to ride even if it is hot.
    Taking Tex.

    Still rotating horses here.
    Chica is the wild card.
    She has kicked at both Sarcee and Tex.
    And squealing and kicking at Prize when she comes up to his pen but not as bad.
    She is quieter when she stays in.
    I know I have to tear the bandaid off eventually, but prefer no one gets hurt.

    I did put copper in Chica's water tub and I ordered raspberry leaf to start her on again.
    I lucked out with Sarcee, she has never been mare-ish.
    Although I wouldn't have bought her except she is the most beautiful horse.

    Everyone keep cool and have a wonderful weekend.

  • Another thing you might consider for Chica is a buffer of some kind for her stomach.  Many horses have ulcer issues that cause them to be a bit... grumpy or wigged out.   We had a Shetland like that.  Giving him Animed (a herbal version of a sedative like Valium) and U-guard calmed Louie down considerably.  We used them on him for a year.  He's much easier to work with now.  Whenever Louie starts getting agitated we put him on U-guard and he calms down in about a day or so.  Then we keep him on it for a week and discontinue till the next episode.  He hasn't needed it for years.  Another thing that helped was making sure he had grass hay available all the time.  He's not a glutton and hence will just nibble all the time.  Slow feeders help with this kind of horse.

  • Thanks Stude.

    Yes Animed has the best products.

    Her left rear is swollen I'm sure from kicking through a panel.

    I did hydro for 20 mins and it helped. Need to do it again this morning.

    I gave her a dose  of quiet-x this morning along with bute-less.

    She has been on raspberry leaf before and it helped.

    The past year she has been better about being mareish but Surprise has changed that.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • Wouldn't you know it.  I was out in the barn and looked in the little shed beside it for something else and found Louie's jar of Animed .  Too funny.  I really should throw the contents out (we reuse the jars) as they're very old.