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Wednesday back
  • after a long absence, I am here.  Not sure where I left off so, Banker is no longer with me.  He was almost blind, losing weight, and Jade was threatening to push him over the cliff.  I made the hard choice and had him put to sleep. 

    Someone on MFT rescue posted a link to a little mare in Tenn.  She reminded me of Whisper.  I foolishly posted she could live here if I could afford the trucking.  Got some quotes.  She arrived June 20.  Three weeks of white snot coming from her nose and eyes but no fever or swollen glands and she is now healthy.  I named her Contessa, Tessa for short.

    A friend of many years needed a horse to trail ride with her daughter...She met Jade.  Loved her.  Borrowed her.  Says she is fabulous.  She will live with her until my friend can no longer ride and then return to me.  

    Tessa likes being the only child.  I have yet to ride her, first it was get her healthy.  Then get some weight on her.  Now to get someone here with 911 on speed dial so I can try her out.  She is good.  Hated a bit when I tried a bridle on her so I tried my bitless...she must have had one before since she was perfect with it.

    Health wise, I am getting things under control...less stress helps.  Emotionally, on a better path.  Now to get the physical back up to a better place.

    Have missed all of you.

     This is Tessa.  Oh,  stupidly got a dog around Christmas.  Cute little puppy.  Now a brute of a dog but she is finally house trained and seems to love me.  Got her a harness and now we can actually walk without her pulling my shoulders out of joint...such enthusiasm.  

    Glad to be back.

  • Sorry to see about Banker, otherwise, all good stuff!

  • Sorry to hear about Banker.  Had a similar situation with Condessa some years back.  Both she and Riverdance, actually.  A sad time, but one has to ask if it is kinder to the horse or oneself to keep them alive when they are suffering.

    Really like the blonde!

    Missed you too!  Very glad to see you back!  We've lost so many people to FaceBook.  Personally, I like these boards much better.   FaceBook has to be the worst of the World Wide Waste of Time.

  • Had her feet trimmed yesterday.  Blacksmith fell in love with her.  He thinks she is younger than the dealer called her.  Dealer said 8, I thought 7 and Gerry says he does not think she is barely 6.  He also thinks her shoulders will fill out more....she certainly is bonded with me....of course she is alone with me and the barn cats with Jade out on loan.

  • Isn't it great when the Farriers love your horse?  Jmebear's place is the fave for most farriers we've had up there.  Socks is always their favourite.  He's just such a good boy.  I show them to just run a finger down his leg and he picks up the foot.

    You know, if the dog is so big, they make carts for them, <wink><wink>.