It's another New Year's Eve.
Seems the same...

...Still scrambling to get enough hay.
The hay hay barn has decent looking coastal squares.
I paid for one Thursday.
When I went to pick it up the owner says he will run out.
I paid for 2 more and have to pick them up today.
I don't want to run short.

...Well man called and said another new pump was needed.
He installed and another $7-$800 bill.

Face good thoughts on the nightlight but we have wells at 2 other locations.
We had the thermo cube fail and a friend had a heat tape fail.
Our only answer seems to be mega redundancy?

More insulation, another thermo cube, a direct plugged in thermostatic heater and a direct plugged in regular heater for cold snaps.
And a heat tape plus the above for cattle trough.

A ride we had planned for yesterday got rained out.
We will try again tomorrow to start the new year right.

I hope it is a wonderful new year for everyone!