
I am conducting marketing research for a new pet care product and would really appreciate your input. I have the questions here copied and pasted. It's all anonymous and will be used solely for research purposes. Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions. Even if you just answer a few questions, that would be very helpful!!!! 

Thank you very much!

1. How many horses do you own?

2. Do you own a farm, breed horses, or just a general pet owner?

3. How long have you owned horses?

4. Do you plan to continue to own horses in 5 years?

Horse Care

1. How often does your horse get fleas/ticks?

2. What product do you use to protect your horse against fleas/ticks?

3. How often to do you use this product to effectively protect your horse?

4. For what reason(s) did you choose this product: low price, brand name, type of product (spray, shampoo), convenience (is it easy to use or locate), friend/family referral, organic/natural ingredients, effectiveness, other—please list

5. For what reason(s) would you switch products: lower price, brand name, type of product, convenience, friend/family referral, organic/natural ingredients, effectiveness, other—please list

6. How do you get most of your pet care product information? (Internet, tv commercial, infomercial, magazine, billboards, blogs, friends/family, pet store personnel, other—please list)  

7. About how many flea/tick products have you tried in the past?

8. What would be your biggest compliant about the flea/tick products available for horses?

9. How much are you wiling to spend for a good flea/tick product? 

10. About how much do you spend per month on one horse?  

11. About how much of that is spent on your horse#%92s health/vet care (any non-food items)?

12. Where do you usually buy your pet supplies? (Please be specific with store, website, or catalog name)

1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3=I don#%92t know, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly agree    

1. I choose pet products based on price (lower priced).

2. I prefer brand named pet products. 

3. I will drive further to go to a specialty pet store (Pet Smart, PetCo, etc.) to purchase pet products (instead of Wal-Mart, grocery store, etc.).

4. I prefer organic/natural pet products, even if the cost is more.