Connie I'm am sorry to hear about Cal's health difficulties.
How stressful that you can't be there with him.
Prayers for you both.
The weather here is perfect.
C and I went on an impromptu ride Wednesday.
I took Sarcee and it was perfect except that I got some sunburn.
Another group ride is set for Sunday.
Everyone is excited.
We passed on our usual Texas Independence Day celebration again this year.
Maybe we can get it together starting next year.
The burst pipes at DaneHaven from last years freeze have finally been repaired.
The damage was in the bunkhouse so not an urgent issue.
Now we have to arrange for the ceiling sheetrock to be repaired.
Which will involve taking cabinets down and reinstalling.
Brush and dead tree removal from the front view of the house here is the current project.
I hope everyone has great weekend!