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Tuesday Twenty-fifth

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Tuesday Twenty-fifth
  • of May already.
    Our first 2 weeks of June are set to be crazy busy already.

    I saw Pistol yesterday.
    He didn't need surgery, he is healing so well.
    Needs another check to make sure he doesn't develop a pocket around the dangled teeth.
    He had had his rabies vaccine and got a booster.

    Miss Chica seems to be drinking a bit overnight now that she has a different water container.
    Imagine that, it only cost me $1600 to figure out she needs a used smaller water tub.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.
  • I know the feeling about the water container.  I have reduced the size of Socks' water container twice and may do it again.  Thankfully, he is meticulous about where he does go and there is no risk of him fouling his water that way.

  • Finally back.  What a spring!  Whisper was having bouts of problems with increased severity and frequency.  I think she finally had a couple of strokes...having her look at me with vacant eyes was awful.  Without a necropsy I will never know for certain but I think she had a growth blocking her and she finally turned down everything but grass and warm water...even grain and treats did not tempt her.  Finally, she lay down and never got up again.  Broke my heart.  It has been four weeks and I am looking for another horse but  instead of actively searching, I am letting my dealer look for me.  He found me a gaited mare.  Called me the other evening and to le me "I do not like her and I do not want you to have her'  he is sending her to a sale.  So...no horse but I am waiting.  Never dreamed the size of the void that she would leave in my life.  I no longer expect her to call to me when I go to the barn and I don't look for her in the pasture as often as I did but she was one of a kind and I really miss her.  Hoping he finds me something as trustworthy as she was.  

    I am getting my energy back since the sickness over the winter.  I need to start some exercises or I will never be able to get a saddle on another horse and I don't trust anyone here to do that for me.

    Hope all are well.

    I really have missed you all