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Cupcake anyone? We are loading up as soon as Christy gets off the phone

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Cupcake anyone? We are loading up as soon as Christy gets off the phone
  • Hello all!  Cupcake is the sweetest, cutest little pony ever!  Our donkey is about 9h so I'm guessing Cupcake at about 10 or 10.2h.  Our grandkids will LOVE her.  We won't have to worry about her biting or kicking or any silliness like some ponies.  She is a pocket pony and comes when called.  I stall her at feeding time and I kiss to her and say "come on Cupcake" and she follows me right in her stall.  OMG I'm in love with half a horse. LOL
    I had a Shetland named Billy when I was little that I rode and drove and I just loved him to pieces.  My grandparents got him for me when I was about 6 and I had him until 12 (he was after my first gray Shetland that was the spawn of Satan and my grandma got rid of him).  I lost Billy to founder so I'm very vigilant about that.  I'm so glad we could do this for our grandkids.
  • OMG I'm in love with half a horse. LOL
    Too late!  WAY too late!  I can't wait to see the grandkids!!!
  • What a cutie pie!  I love that name for her, sure does fit her.
    My first pony was that color too.
  • Hi all!  Here are some video clips and pictures from this morning when Christian met Cupcake.  He sure was surprised!  He wants to ride again so we're going to wait until after supper when it cools down a little.  I was bummed this morning when I woke up to another frog choking rain, but it stopped about 9:00 a.m. and the sun was shining when they arrived and it got WARM fast.
    Lordy I don't know who was more excited this morning, me or Christian!
    Oh and you might notice the saddle doesn't fit her very well.  One of Dave's coworkers kindly offered to let us borrow it for the big day so we'll have to get him his own tack. 
  • How cute!!  What a big grin on his face ':)'  She looks like a perfect pony ':)'
  • Yes, that IS a happy kid!  And a very fortunate one, too!  Love that pony!!
  • I got her out again last night around 7:30, saddled her up and Christian took another ride around the round pen and then around the yard.  He's already wanting to hit the trails with us but I had to explain that has to wait for proper fitting tack, a riding helmet and more practice riding around here.  Then I got the question "why do I have to wear a helmet"?  I said because riding can be dangerous.  He says "you guys don't wear one".  Arrrgghh.  Good point. LOL  Dang kids are smart. 
  • VERY good point!  I never fly without one! [':D']
  • Cupcake is sooooo cute! Looks like she's found the perfect home! Grandson looks pretty happy too.

    Helmet is a good idea too! I now wear one because I make the girls wear one. Its only fair.
  • After we got back from our ride it was bath time for all the critters.  Christian wanted to help grandpa go get his pony so he led her from the pasture to the round pen (so dang cute).  She took her bath pretty well and she needed it!  Yikes she's a shade lighter now.  All three horses, pony and donkey got a bath.  Well donkey kind of got a bath and we got one too.  She's never had one and it was interesting. LOL 
    Anyhoo, after bath time was over little Miss Cupcake showed her first hint of snottiness with Christian.  He wanted to walk over and pet her and when he got about 10 feet from her she pinned her ears and charged at him.  Uh oh.  Christian stood stock still and Cupcake stopped but we definitely are going to have to supervise and be present at all times when they're together.  I told Harley Heaven if she's going to be snotty it will be with the littlest, less confident human. LOL
    It's been a good weekend, tiring but good.