Okay, j/k. Thanks to those who are so supportive. I know some of you gave me hints years ago about what was best for me and it's very frustrating when you care about someone but that person isn't good for you. What really stood out was the trips I've made to visit friends and family and the way they cared about and appreciated me. I thought: this is how life should be. Hard to stop caring. Frankly, mental illness may play a part, considering his family history. I really don't mean that to be ugly. I do care.

We had talked about a trip to NJ (to ride at the Stb rescue - ulterior motives, ha ha) We can camp, I can ride, he can fish. We had a come-to-the-Lord meeting last night and we are adjusting to the fact that we will probably be parting ways at least for a while. So things may lighten up. We both want to take this trip. He just lets his head run away and play games... also Girlzilla is pulling stunts in the past couple of days and he's handling it remarkably well. Anyway... That's it in a nutshell. Still, no excuse for talking like white trash teenagers. (I need a t-shirt that says that) It's what he's been used to in past relationships. Not trying to make excuses... Not gonna tolerate it.

Work was awesome today.